AMOG's Laurentiu Zamfirescu and Liam Hewitt presented at the IChemE Hazards Australasia 2018 conference, a world class process safety event held this week. Their presentation focussed on building resilience in Western Australia's onshore hazardous facilities by highlighting key challenges and solutions regarding the upcoming land use planning regulatory changes.

Australia has long benefited from vast land surfaces where hazardous chemical industries and the general public could safely coexist. However, this situation is changing and buffer zones are under constant encroachment from land developers and local councils. This creates conflict between sensitive land users and industrial and infrastructure facilities. 

Recently Western Australia has issued a draft State Planning Policy for Industrial Interface. This Policy applies to green and brown-field sites alike, ranging in size and complexity from light industry to Major Hazard Facilities, explosive facilities, mines, petroleum facilities and pipelines.

Laurentiu and Liam presented a paper highlighting the challenges that industry and planning authorities will soon face under the new land-use planning regulatory environment; exploring the benefits the Policy brings, comparing it to similar Australian land use planning policies, as well as providing recommendations for building a resilient organisation to face the new regulatory regime.

For more information, please contact AMOG

You can also learn more about the IChemE Hazards Australia Conference here.