Case Studies
As a specialist in our field, AMOG regularly presents papers and case studies on key projects we have worked on, or the outcomes of research we have undertaken, or are undertaking.

At the OTC Conference in Houston in March 2014 AMOG will present papers on the following:
OTC 25234 SCORCH JIP - Feedback on MIC and pitting corrosion from field recovered mooring chain links.
OTC 25282 SCORCH JIP - Feedback from field recovered moorings and wire ropes
OTC 25273 - Industry Survey of Past Failures, Pre-emptve replacements and reported degradations for Mooring System of Floating Production Units
OTC25418 - Operating performance forecasting and evaluation of an FPSO with degrading mooring system components
We have also presented the following papers at:

- Tangguh LNG Project Analysis of Full Scale Statistical Uplift Testing with Multiple Soil Layers
- Impact of Catenary Embedment on the mooring Performance of a Deep Water Floating Production Unit
- Development of a Full Sale Two Dimensional Pipeline Uplift Test Apparatus for Upheaval Buckling (UHB) Model Testing on the Tangguh LNG Project
- Traveling Wave Response in Full-Scale Drilling Riser VIV Measurements
- Reliability Factors of Safety for VIV Fatigue Using NDP Riser High Mode VIV Tests
- Comparative Study of Wave Load Effects for Two Wave Energy Converter Concepts
- Partial Strake coverage Vortex-induced Vibration Benchmarking using shear7V4.5
- Feasibility Stage Assessment of Side-by-Side LNG offloading Operation
- Phenomena Observed in VIV Bare Riser Field Tests

- Investigation of Severe Corrosion of Mooring Chain in West African Waters
- Heading Analysis of Weathervaning Floating Structures: Why, How and Where to make the best of them
- Degradation of Wire Rope Mooring Lines in SE Asian Waters.
- The effectiveness of Helical Strakes in the Suppression of High-Mode-Nuber VIV
- Investigation of Sway/Yaw Motions of Deepwater FPSOs
- High Mode Number Vortex-Induced Vibration Field Experiments
- Reliability Analysis of the Extreme Responses of Moored Structures
If you'd like further information on any of these, or other papers AMOG has presented, please contact us.